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Rabbi Dr. Mark Goldfeder, Esq. is the CEO and Director of the National Jewish Advocacy Center, Inc

Rabbi Dr. Mark Goldfeder is also the Senior Partner with Goldfeder & Terry, LLC. Previously, he served as the founding Editor of the Cambridge University Press Series on Law and Judaism, a Trustee of the Center for Israel Education, and as an adviser to the Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations.

Goldfeder has taught law across the country and around the world as Senior Lecturer at Emory University School of Law, Spruill Family Senior Fellow at the Center for the Study of Law and Religion, Director of the Restoring Religious Freedom Project, and as a visiting professor at Georgia State University School of Law, Florida Southern College, University of Padua (Italy), Scuola Galileana (Italy), IDC’s Radzyner Law School (Israel) and Bar Ilan Law School (Israel). 

Goldfeder holds two rabbinic ordinations (yoreh yoreh; Yeshiva University and Rivavot Ephraim) and two judicial ordinations (yadin yadin; Rav Gedaliah Dov Schwartz, Av Beth Din, Rabbinical Council of America and Chicago Rabbinical Council, and Rav Dovid Schochet, President, Toronto Rabbinical Council). 

Goldfeder’s work focuses on law and religion, constitutional law, international law, Jewish law, family law, and law and technology. He publishes widely in those areas, including both academically and in popular publications like CNN, The Wall Street Journal, The Hill, Forbes, and other major media outlets. He is co-author of the five-volume treatise Religious Organizations and the Law (Westlaw).  

Goldfeder handles cases involving anti-Semitism and BDS issues around the country, and lectures and writes widely on those topics. He has worked with local, state, and federal legislators on measures to support the Jewish community, and has defended students, professors, businesses, and nonprofits targeted for their support of the Jewish State. He has worked on cases at the International Criminal Court in the Hague, and has successfully represented clients including American and Israeli nonprofits in federal litigation. 

In 2017, he received the Opher Aviran Stand with Israel Award from Hillel, and in 2018, the Jon Barkan Israel Advocacy Award from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in recognition of his work. In 2021, Goldfeder was appointed by President Trump to serve on the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Council.

He serves as Special Counsel for International Affairs at the American Center for Law and Justice, previously as private counsel to President Donald J. Trump, and as outside counsel to multiple religious organizations across various faith groups. He received his Doctorate and LLM degrees from Emory University and his Juris Doctor degree from NYU School of Law. He received his Bachelor of Arts at Yeshiva University in Journalism.

Rabbi Dr. Mark Goldfeder

CEO and Director of the National Jewish Advocacy Center, Inc


Mark Goldfeder

Chief Executive Officer

Roza Baum

Office Manager/Chief of Staff

Anat Alon-Beck

Corporate Counsel

Karen L. Berman

Chief Operating Officer

Adela Cojab Moadeb

NJAC Legal Fellow

Erielle Davidson

NJAC Legal Fellow

Gary Epstein

Legal Advisor

Lauren Israelovitch

Senior Litigation Counsel

Eugene Kontorovich

Legal Advisor

Matthew Mainen

Litigation Counsel

Joe Murray

Legislative Counsel

Sophie Ravina


Ben Schlager

Associate Director & Senior Counsel

David Schoen


Abra Siegal

Litigation Counsel

Judge's Table

Meet Our Team

National Jewish Advocacy Center is comprised of individuals dedicated to protecting the civil rights of all Americans.

The team draws on decades of expertise to leverage our Nation’s laws to fight antisemitism.

Board of Directors

Mark Goldfeder

Chief Executive Officer

Stacey E. Burke

Houston, Tx

Renee Evans

Atlanta, GA

Ellen Daube Gloneck

Atlanta, GA

Esther Panitch

Atlanta, GA

Aaron Stein

Atlanta, GA

Ira Bedzow

Educational Initiatives

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